March 2013 Update

Heqing County Songgui Sanzhuang Yu-Lang Hope Elementary School

Date of Visit: March 30, 2013

Purpose of Visit: Project Completion

Grades: 1-6 (10 classes total)

The new school has been in use since the beginning of the year. The campus grounds, classrooms, and dormitory are organized, clean, with everything in good order. It shows that the principal and staff manage the school well. About 98% of Heqing County’s population are Bai people (an ethnic minority). Students’ parents interact well with the school staff, and not only do they support education, they also like to attend various school events. The school has three teachers’ aids and two English teachers. One of the English teachers is from the United States, but her Chinese is fluent and it seems that she has assimilated well into the local society. The campus grounds are currently being landscaped, but even at its current state, the space looks fantastic. Once the landscaping work is complete, the campus will be even more beautiful.


No. of Students: 338 (186 boarding)

The children are studious, with their academic performance ranking 3rd out of the 15 elementary schools in Songgui Town. They are also talented in music and dance. They put on a lively, entertaining show during the project completion ceremony. All of the students graduate on to Heqing County’s #2 Junior High.


No. of Teachers: 17 + 3 teachers’ aids

Teacher performance is very good.


– 10 classrooms
– Library: 3,800 books
– Computer Room: 22 computers
– Science classroom
– Cafeteria: 120-person occupancy
– Restrooms: 24 pit-style toilets


Not enough activity classrooms for classes like computers, chemistry, reading, Young Pioneers, music, art, etc. The computers on campus were purchased back in 2006 and no longer meet the current education requirements. 33 new computers are urgently needed. About 50 sets of 1st grade classroom desks and chairs also need immediate replacement. Not enough electronic white boards, with 6 more needed.